Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cubicle Confessions Pt. 1

This summer I am an intern in the heart of Silicon Valley. It has been a great learning experience, figuring out what I want to do and who I want to be. There have been surprises, disappointments, good times and bad.

Half way through the summer here is my list of the 5 most important things I've learned

1. Not all interns work for free -- As an engineering major working in finance I get paid, well. Don't worry that you can't intern because you won't get paid. As long as you stay out of entertainment you can get quite a nice paycheck.

2. You are not competing -- This is not like the Owen Wilson/Vince Vaughn movie. I am not in any sort of competition; in fact I'm the only intern in my department. The most important thing is that you work as hard as you can, and be an asset to your boss

3. People, even important ones, want to meet you -- My company offers speaking events with all its major executives. I have eaten lunch with my VP. Go to networking events and put yourself out there; write an email to your boss' boss introducing yourself. People love to see other excited about the future of their company

4. Housing is expensive -- When searching for internships, keep this in mind. Maybe plan to stay with relatives (this is what I'm doing, free rent, food, and a car to borrow it is awesome), find some roommates, or stay close to home.

5. You will have down time, which is hard -- Except for maybe investment banking you will have down time, get bored, leave early, and pester your boss for more tasks. Stick with it and imagine your gorgeous resume after this.

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