Tuesday, July 30, 2013

School Packing Essentials

     School is starting soon! Some of you are starting in just a matter of weeks, and some (like me) have a little longer, but either way it is never too soon to start packing. I am known to pack for a weekend trip over a week in advance, so for something as big as moving into my dorm I usually start a month early. Here are my 5 essentials for any big pack, not things I can't forget, but things that make the whole process so much easier:

  1. Trunk by Seward -- Having a trunk in your dorm is somewhat life changing. It is great so storage of out of season clothes, sheets, towels, and anything else you can think of. Also, it is the perfect coffee table that doesn't waster space. Pack all you winter clothes in it and ship it to school 1 week before you arrive. Make sure you write a detailed list of what is in there, so you don't have to open it until the leaves change. Oh, wheels are great, get one with wheels.
  2. Notebook -- Make and remake lists! The first draft never has everything you need, and has a lot of things you don't need. Jot down anything you might forget and keep lists of what you pack where. This makes a huge difference unpacking. The first night you want to find you pajamas and party dress and leave the rest for tomorrow. Also, have a sorting system for what goes in what boxes/ suitcases that way you can unpack only what you need.
  3. Garbage Bags -- There is no better time to sell/donate/toss old or unworn clothes then when packing. Stress about overweight bags is a great motivator to bring only what you need and wear. Dorms are small, even the nice ones don't have space to keep things you only wear once a year.
  4. Phone -- Take pictures of everything. This goes along with inventory lists. Plus, it gives you a visual so you can quickly check if you actually brought that Lily shirt, or left it at home.
  5. Post-Its -- Again, label and list everything. Mark what is coming, staying, and going to Goodwill

     Overall, the biggest piece of advice I have is put thought into it. Your wardrobe will be changing a lot this fall so clear some room to embrace your new dorm room chic. If you feel uncomfortable or childish don't bring it. If you don't have four outfits for each piece, leave it. I recommend leaving some clothes at home for when you visit or if you change your mind and want it. For the other stuff, desk organizers, lamps, storage I cannot stress how much better it is to wait until you get there. Address storage needs as they arise and you will save money and have a better solution.

Happy packing! 

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