Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bathroom Organization

My beauty products can really overwhelming at times. I have way more than I need, a weakness for buying them, and a habit of keeping things even when I shouldn't. This all leads to some serious organization problems. Here are some of my tips for not being eaten by the chaos, and still being able to find what you want.

I hate drawers. They mean you can only see the tops of things, they roll around, you knock them over, it's just a disaster. I like these trays since they keep everything contained but still easy to identify and access. Taller bins encourage dumping, but the short ones require you to actually set them in their spot.

Hanging necklaces is the way to go. They don't tangle, you can see them all, and they it looks nice. In the dorm I use a couple smaller command hooks on the side of my closet.

 I store my bracelets on my soap dispenser. It may seem weird but when you have just a few go to pieces its really convenient. And, yes I store hair ties on my faucet. When you don't have the perfect sink like this (or for the dorm) I use a caribeaner an old picture clip. Basically anything that it a rod sticking up.

My clarisonic is one of my favorite things in this world, but I cracked the back. I keep it on a towel to soak up the water that drips off it and hopefully not break it any more. I stack big odds and ends by the ledge.

My main points in bathroom organization are accessibility and appearance of tidiness. Bottles look way better standing up than on their sides.

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