Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Trouble With Logos

I do not wear logos. There is, with exception of my barbour and other jackets and workout t-shirts, no writing on any of the clothes. I do not like Louis Vuitton or Coach bags, and even Yerman bracelets seem a bit much to me.

For 2 1/2 years of elementary school I went to what's called a Waldorf school. It's a bit like Montessori education to the extreme: very artsy, liberal, and free thinking. While I am not especially artsy and have always preferred math, science and computer, I did learn a few things during my time there. One of those things is that logo are not meant for clothing. Part of our fairly strict dress code was no writing or logos were allowed on our clothing. Looking back, despite its apparent cruelty, this was a really good idea.

At 10 we can so easily fall into wearing the same Abercrombie too tight tanks as everyone else, identifying more with where the clothes came from than how they look or make us feel. To me, that is what clothing is about: personal expression and creating a different version of yourself everyday. My school's rules forced me to look at clothes in a new way and reach beyond my comfort zone.

When I transferred to public school in 7th grade I am proud to say I never showed up wearing what anyone else was wearing. I don't have any pictures that I am embarrassed by. I honestly looked more mature and put together than any of the other girls because I didn't wear logos, or impractical shoes, or spaghetti straps. I still follow those rules today, and trust me they will never steer you wrong.

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